The Time is Now!

I see that it has been three years since I opened this medium, with intent to share encouragement to those who find themselves broken in some way, yet yearn to be useful. It seemed I couldn’t figure out just how to make THIS useful, so set it aside for a time. Much has happened since then, and I sincerely hope I can be spirit lifting for those whom God brings across my path.

I am being blessed, most recently, by the wisdom and efforts of friends who ARE using online resources to share what God has put on their hearts. Ironically, I searched for this site today, but wasn’t getting the address quite right. Then it showed up when I just wrote on my friend’s blog, regarding the heartache we are all feeling right now about prejudice in our world. The horrific crime, that most of mankind has now witnessed on video, shines a light on inequality that many thought and hoped had been rejected.

Now, we are faced with the question, “What can I do, say, think, or feel that can be of value in resolving this sad truth? How can my broken self be of help to someone, perhaps not the masses, but that someone that God places in my path, heart, mind or soul?” As we contemplate this vital issue, may we each pray for wisdom, which GOD says He gives liberally. I look forward to sharing what GOD impresses on my heart right here.

May you feel GOD’S blessing, strength and peace which only He can give. Lovingly, Daphne